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The fox is one of the 27 species of foxes (meat-eaters and plants), the general meaning of the word fox is usually the red fox, since it is the most common species in the western half of the world, although different fox species are found on all continents Almost, and this is what led to its appearance in many cultures and the folklore of many nations and tribes. The male fox is called in Arabic the name of a fox and the female is a foxglove, and the young are pups.

Age of the fox:
Most foxes live about two or three years in the wild, but they can last up to 10 years or more in captivity. Most of the species are the size of domesticated cats, where foxes are the smallest members of the foxes family, and other distinctive external features include a delicate snout and a dense tail, and some other characteristics differ according to the habitat or environment in which the species resides, for example the Alfank fox has two large ears and short fur, while the Arctic fox has two ears They are short and thick, insulating fur. Foxes are solitary animals, unlike many other foxes, and they are opportunistic predators that eat a variety of foods such as rodents in particular in addition to grasshoppers, fruits, and grapes. Foxes are cautious animals and do not usually come close to humans, nor are they kept as pets Although the silver fox crossed successfully in Russia after 45 years of selective breeding, foxes are now found in some areas in cities and home gardens.

Types of foxes in Egypt:

Abu Husayn: It is a widespread fox, its members spread in many geographical areas, and this highly adaptive fox can be distinguished from all other species through the white color at the back of its tail and the black color behind the ear, and its survival usually depends on small birds, reptiles and mammals, But he may also search for piles of waste, and it appears that he is fond of fruits, specifically watermelon, and is found in Mount Elba, the Sinai region, the Nile Valley and the Eastern Desert.
Ruble's fox: It is a small fox with two large ears and a very dense tail, and it is the most widespread fox in Egypt, and it spreads in the Western Sahara and oases, and it is clear that it is not very afraid of humans, and it may approach camping sites in search of food, and although it is mostly nocturnal, It may be seen during the day.

Fox-borne diseases:

Foxes can transmit a number of diseases and parasites, including scabies, which are transmitted through acrosis on their bodies and which are subsequently transmitted to humans and other animals.

Control methods:

The use of electrified fences
Biological control
There are other methods that we use to completely eliminate the fox